It’s that time of year again! Part of Hanbury Evans’ 2015 Graphics Month is a month-long Scavenger Sketching event. Each week in July will have a theme to inspire participant’s drawings. Images of our sketches will be posted here so we can share between offices and remote locations. Week 1’s theme is WATER. Draw more. GO!

Well, that was harder than you thought it would be, wasn't it?!

But I bet you're glad you gave it at go, aren't you?!

A great big congratulations to everyone who participated in this July's DDC. We had 16 participants who submitted a collection of 200 drawings.

And a special thanks to these hard core artists who managed to stick with the challenge despite their busy lives:

Greg Rutledge
Gwen Schmidt
Mark Schmidt
Monica Dahlin
Yizhi Xu

It has been remarkable seeing everyone's unique talents brought together in a single space. Hopefully you have all gained some inspiration from this experience, as well as a fatter portfolio! All the best in your continued artistry, and remember, don't ever stop tapping into your creativity and exploring what makes you the unique person that you are!

-the DDC


Medium: pen
Time: 30 mins

The End
Medium: Pen

Paper Plane in Storm

Sumo Dogs
Pagoda Fountain
Geometry with a Compass and Straightedge
Geometry with a Compass and Straightedge
Thanks for a fun month!
Medium: pen and photoshop
A Hot Summer Day

Sent from my iPhone


Medium: pen and photoshop
Time: 1 hr


Medium: pen
Time: 1 hr
Micron pen – 45 minutes


Geometry with a Compass and Straightedge